Thursday, August 8, 2013

MW3 Dream Hack V1.2 [1.9.453]

 MW3 Dream Hack V1.2 [1.9.453]

    So, here it is, V1.2 of my Dream Hack
    It took longer then usual to update, but the good news is, now i can update it like within 15 mins next update

    Some Minor buggs :
    - If you try to use NameFaker now, it will auto-delete your text [if you havent pressed the button] every 10 seconds. Also, i suggest waiting at least 10 seconds before joining a game. (the hack needs +- 10 seconds to get ready, this is part of the less-lagg)
    - Dont use weird characters in your name.
    - Unlimited Ammo for the whole room refreshes every 10 seconds instead of 3-5.
    - FoV might not reset untill next death when u disable it while being alive.
    - Rank is in amount of Exp, not in your rank number.
    - Dying while being invisible (people can still hit you) will give you the kind of godmode wich doesnt allow you to get killstreaks.

    So, first and farmost, all of the feautures
    - Playernames (whole room)
    - Godmode ON/OFF (whole room, single players, hotkey)
    - Unlimited Ammo (whole room, single players, hotkey)
    - Take all Ammo (single players)
    - Teleport ON/OFF (single players)
    - Freeze ON/OFF
    - Drop Player (single players)
    - Drop Everyone (whole room)
    - Force Host
    - Max Players
    - ScoreLimit
    - Super High Exp Lobby (60K Exp/Kill [Only if you are below level 80 !])
    - High Exp Lobby (400 Exp/Kill [No rank problems])
    - Normal Exp Lobby (100 Exp/Kill)
    - Apply your own Exp (determine the amount of Exp you will get/kill [Only if you are below level 80 !])
    - Trolling (whole room)
    - Epicness (whole room [Might wanna use Scavenger])
    - Gravity (whole room)
    - Running/Walking speed (whole room)
    - FoV
    - Rank
    - Prestige
    - Unlimited UAV ON/OFF (single player)
    - Gold ClanTag ON/OFF
    - Open MW3 (default steam folder)
    - Close MW3
    - MW3 Checker
    - Map Checker
    - Activate Jet
    - Activate Invisibility
    - Turn back to Normal

    Things to note :
    - Run the hack as admin !
    - Make sure your VirusScan/FireWall doesnt block the hack.
    - Preferably OPEN your NAT. (This will allow more people to join, and they join faster.)
    - This is for STEAM ONLY ! [1.9.453]

    So, now that you know all of the technical miscellanious (idk how to type this, dont hate ! ) stuff, let's talk about the fun and new stuff
    This video will show you, using the old version, how to start a regular lobby, and transform in a jet (ignore the NameFake).

    Currently no1 has been banned because of this hack as far as i know. But as always, Use at your own risk !
    Currently Undetected

    So, ill just end the thread here, if you read all of it, well, i didnt rlly expect some1 to do xD
    Have a great time hacking, and be sure to leave some feedback, bugs, or anything in this thread
    IF THE HOTKEY OPTIONS DONT WORK, PLEASE POST YOUR NAME EXACTLY AS IT IS WRITTEN INGAME ! I WILL TELL YOU WETHER THE HACK ACCEPTS IT Also, at first, please run hack as admin, disable firewall, virusscans, etc etc.
    In order for the hotkeys to work, your name has to be longer then 6 characters !
    Also, with the new NameFaker, u only have 10 seconds to type in your new name ... Sorry

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