Thursday, August 8, 2013

Zombonies (Zombies) Ultimate Server Control 1.0

    I finally finished my server control hack

    Unlimited OR Set Primary Ammo (ALL PLAYERS)
    Unlimited OR Set Secondary Ammo (ALL PLAYERS)
    Unlimited OR Set Nades (ALL PLAYERS)
    Unlimited OR Set Health (ALL PLAYERS, VERY BUGGY)
    Unlimited OR Set Points (ALL PLAYERS)
    Teleport To Saved Locations (PLAYER 1)
    Change Name (ALL PLAYERS)
    Rainbow Name (ALL PLAYERS)
    Swap Positions (ALL PLAYERS)
    Summon Player (ALL PLAYERS)
    Change Primary Weapon (ALL PLAYERS)
    Change Secondary Weapon (ALL PLAYERS)
    List Of ALL Weapon IDs (Nuketown 2525, WILL Be Slighty Different For Greenrun)
    Default Teleport List For Greenrun with All Bus Locations, Bowe Knife Hut, And Cod: WAW Easter Egg.
    Export/Import(Merge and Overwrite) Teleport Locations
    Teleport Locations Saved For Next Startup
    Save New Teleport Locations
    Remove Teleport Location
    Changeable Read/Write (Min 1 Millisecond, Max 10 Seconds, Faster = Laggier But Better Locked Values)
    Real-Time Console (Currently Only Supports "EXIT" Command And Error Output)
    Program Is Obfusticated
    More? (I Feel Like I Forgot Something)



    (Have A Screenshot? PM Me The Link And I'll Add It )
    Virus Scans
    Virus Total
    (Any and All Positives are FALSE Positives)

    As Always, Enjoy!

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